About Us

Telugu Medicines website provides information in Telugu language about the uses, compositions, benefits, dosage, side effects, precautions, storage and interactions of all types of medicines such as tablets, capsules, liquids (mixture, solution or syrup), topical medicines, suppositories, drops, inhalers, injections, implants or patches and vaccines etc.

Information about the uses, composition, benefits, dosage, side effects, precautions, storage and interactions of the medicines provided by the Telugu Medicines website is for general informational awareness purposes only.

Telugu Medicines website does not recommend any diagnosis, medicine and medical treatment and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your doctor for any medical advice, diagnosis, treatments and medications.

We hope that the awareness information on this Telugu Medicines website will be useful to all.

Note: All the information provided by the Telugu Medicines website is for general information purpose only. Please consult your doctor for complete detailed information about medical advice, diagnosis, treatments and medications.